The following residents have declared their candidacy for the open council seat positions. Names are listed how they will appear on the ballot.
I have lived in Toquerville since 2003. I enjoy this wonderful place, and the lifestyle it affords my family.
I have served on the Planning commission for 3 Years and the Council for 8 years. I have enjoyed the opportunities this service has given me.
I would love to continue to serve the citizens of Toquerville for another term.
This term would allow me to finish the following
* By-Pass Road Property Acquisition and Construction
* Turning Lanes for Cholla Creek Subdivision
* Continued Improvement to City Infrastructure (Water, TSWS, Transportation, Storm Drain)
* Planned Growth while maintaining the rural feel of Toquerville
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to serving the city of Toquerville for another 4 years.
Ty Bringhurst
Having served on the Toquerville Planning Commission for several years and the City Council for almost 4 years, I understand the ways of our residents. I too am from a small town, and I will work and fight to maintain our small-town atmosphere. Even though growth is coming our direction, there are ways to manage that growth so that it doesn’t destroy our lifestyle. This means directing traffic away from our local roads as much as possible, making growth conform to our lifestyle, and protecting our community. This is why the long-discussed “bypass road” is important. I know some don’t want it, and I understand why, but ultimately we need that road to take the pressure off of Highway 17 (aka Toquer Boulevard, which was its original name). Without the bypass road, about 25-30% of the 4,500,000 visitors to Zion National Park will drive right through our town. That’s not good, and it will only get worse. The bypass road will relieve a large part of that pressure.
Water is a critical component of our community. Since being on the City Council, I have kept my promise to review our water rights to make sure we are being properly compensated. I found that we were not being paid. I am pleased to say that we have negotiated and signed an agreement with the Water Conservancy District that now requires the District to pay for our surplus water. This is a big benefit to our city.
Related to our water issue is the Toquerville Reservoir. We are working closely with the District to construct a campground and related facilities to benefit our residents, and bring in some revenue to our City. The District says it should begin construction in the first quarter of 2020, and it will take about a year to construct.
Lastly, I promise to find the right type of businesses for our community. We will encourage them to locate along the bypass road and at other proper locations within our City so that we maintain our rural and happy lifestyle.
I promise to use my skills and resources as a family man, lawyer, businessman, and small-town native for the benefit of our lovely town.
Candidate for Toquerville City Council
I am currently a member of the Toquerville Planning Commission. My wife Stefani and I and our children moved to Toquerville from Heber City in 2013.
I am a retired USAF Lt Colonel – Vietnam combat veteran and Iraq veteran.
My final duty assignment with the Dept. of Defense was Assistant Secretary of Defense for Installations, Energy, and Geospatial Applications
I’ve lived all over the world and worked in numerous career fields. Toquerville is the best place we’ve ever lived.
My dad would tell me that I should always leave a place better than I found it, that I shouldn’t be afraid to get my hands dirty and get involved in local and state politics. Otherwise, he said, how can you complain or criticize what a group or organization does if you aren’t willing to work to make things better.
In our city, we need to honor and remember our past, deal with the opportunities of the “here and now,” and focus on a future that will enhance and preserve what makes our town great.
The wide range of experience that I offer I believe can benefit Toquerville now and in the future
May I point out that today’s military bases are not that much different than other small communities, except for the increased security. They have homes, stores, schools, industrial areas, parks, roads, and traffic. They are constantly planning, budgeting, and dealing with local, county, state, and federal regulations, plus environmental and activist organizations.
I am confident that my background in city, regional, and military planning and logistics, provide me with unique qualifications that could greatly benefit our community. I understand the water, growth, transportation, and preservation issues Toquerville faces, and I sincerely believe that I can help meet these challenges.
In addition, I think that my work with state and federal agencies and politics can help us move projects that are beneficial to Toquerville along more quickly.
Here are four areas that will be my primary focus if elected to represent you on the City Council:
Old Town / The West Fields / Anderson Junction / Cholla Creek & Trail Ridge Estates / Toquerville Heights / The Bypass - Development & Its Connections … All parts must be part of the whole, connecting each of these areas together.
I ask for your vote in our upcoming election, Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Thank you.
Contact Information: Mobile 703 624-6995 / e-mail:
Below is some of my personal information, service, accomplishments, and education.
Education: a BA in Geography and Geology from California State University at Chico (‘Chico State’), an MPA in Public Administration from the University of Northern Colorado, and a MA in Human Resources Management from Pepperdine University, California.
Chuck entered the United States Air Force, through Officer Training School (OTS), in 1968. After flight training, He flew 150 combat missions in Vietnam in AC119G ‘Shadow’ Gunships in 1969-70. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and six Air Medals for aerial combat, For over 20 years, he served in assignments in aviation, administration, information systems, and logistics. His final military assignment was at the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, the White House, Washington, D.C. Chuck retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in May, 1988.
In 1989, he received a Presidential appointment to the National Park Service and was sent on special assignment to California to manage the base closure and transfer of the Army’s Presidio of San Francisco to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Since 1992, Chuck has operated Stone-Williams Associates (formerly Williams Associates), a logistics-consulting firm specializing in Logistics Systems, Special Projects, and Political Consulting, originally in San Bernardino County, California, and now Washington County, Utah.
From 1993 to 2003, Chuck was a member of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, in California.
From early 2001 to 2003, he worked private property rights and public lands access issues for a variety of clients, including representing San Bernardino County, California, on the Bureau of Land Management’s West Mojave Planning Team.
In November 2001, following the September 11th Attack on America, Williams became project director for Freedom’s Flame, a 9-11 memorial foundation to raise money and build two memorials, one in New York City & the other in Southern California. He was personally responsible for procuring and transporting eighteen tons of World Trade Center steel, plus a damaged FDNY 9-11 fire truck, from Ground Zero in NYC to Southern California, across eighteen states, through twenty-two cities, ten state capitals, and the nation’s capital, in eleven days.
In October 2003, Chuck was asked to return to government service with the Department of Defense and became the Director of Personnel for the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Baghdad, Iraq. Following Iraq’s Transition to Sovereignty in June 2004, he became the Regional Programs Coordinator, NE, for DOD’s Projects & Contracting Office. He was responsible for billions of dollars in reconstruction projects in four of Iraq’s eighteen governorates (states).
Chuck was sworn in August 2005 as the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations (ADUSD-I) and member of the Senior Executive Service. He was the lead Pentagon official responsible for all US military installations world-wide: 571,000 buildings & structures, over $710 billion in plant replacement value, $55 billion annual budget, and 46,000 square miles of real estate. Responsibilities included: implementing the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC); Installations Resource Management; Public / Private Partnerships; serving as the senior Geospatial lead on Installations & Environment policy; and as a senior DOD Energy official for Installations.
He left the Department of Defense in 2009 and moved to Heber City, Utah.
In 2013, he was asked to join the Utah Military Academy as one of the founding board members of this unique state approved charter school. The school opened its first of three campuses in August 2014, near Hill AFB, UT, and serves cadets in grades 7-12. The second campus near Camp Williams, in Lehi, UT opened in 2017. Enrollment for the 2019 school year is now over 1,000 cadets on both campuses. The school campuses are associated with the Air Force and Army Junior ROTC programs. Chuck is now Chairman of the Board of Directors.
My name is B Kent Havens I am running for Toquerville City Council. I am 61 years old. I am currently a Commercial Construction Superintendent for a Construction Company in St George UT.
I am a resident of Toquerville, have lived in the area for most of the past 25 years, and at my current residence for 5 + years.
The City of Toquerville is home and is currently facing a future of high growth and expansion. We as citizens of Toquerville have an opportunity to plan and make wise choices for the future growth! Change is coming and I would rather plan and prepare for the future than ignore the reality that it will come.
I have been involved with City planning, infrastructure, zoning and with Ash Creek Services. As I have built residential as well as numerous commercial buildings in many States and Jurisdictions developing an understanding of zoning ordinances with their applications.
We have in the City several traffic conditions which need to be resolved in the near future to avoid unnecessary impact to our citizens.
B Kent Havens
Candidate for Toquerville City Council (2 year term) – Gary Chaves
I am grateful to live in such a unique community with the nicest people you will meet. Now that I am semi-retired, instead of attending city meetings, I’d like to be more involved by representing the residents of Toquerville as a city council member.
My Family-I am blessed to have a supportive wife, 6 children and 13 grandchildren. Fourteen years ago, we unintentionally drove thru Toquerville and were drawn to it like a magnet. Many others in town have had the same experience. We are here to stay!
My Career-My first real job started at age 15 and fortunately, I have never been without a job since. I advanced in every position and earned Vice President positions in Human Recourses, Sales, Marketing, and Training. Currently, I serve as Chief Financial Officer for a 20MM company with 400+ employees, which I handle remotely from home.
My Goal- We can’t stop housing or business growth but I will strive to ensure it is responsible and conservative growth which includes protecting our water supply and creating secondary evacuation routes where needed. I will also strive to insure the development of a by-pass road and reservoir do not take away from maintaining family lifestyles, safety, recreation, property rights, and crime prevention.
I don’t look at Toquerville as being broken and needing lots of changes. I like the quote…”If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. We have much to enjoy and be grateful for here in Toquerville. I ask for your vote for me to be part of our City Council and welcome your comments via email at or at 435 635-4157
Thanks for considering me as a candidate for City Council. Gary
· Toquerville resident, nearly 2 years
· Married, LCDR Treacy Stone, USN, Retired
· Degree, Criminal Justice, Pasco-Hernando College
· Retired Law Enforcement Officer, 18 years, Florida and Alabama
· Hobbies: photography, backpacking, community service Experience
· Served two terms, City of San Antonio (FL) as council member; one year Mayor Pro Tem. Oversaw Planning and Zoning committee during tenure.
· Served on State Criminal Justice Legislative Action Committee, establishing and guiding public policy across Florida.
· Graduate of Basic and Advanced Institute for Elected Municipal Officials. As your new City Council member:
· Use time and experience to ensure that Toquerville continues to move forward in a positive direction.
· Maintain regular meeting attendance.
· Encourage public participation.
· Support studies and ordinances regarding light pollution.
I understand how important it is to listen to the concerns and opinions of the residents, have an open mind, and to clearly understand issues prior to making informed decisions.
I enjoy living in this beautiful city. I support sustainable growth, green spaces, and community involvement. Allow me to represent Toquerville as a leader and voice at the table to build a stronger future we can all be proud to leave the next generation. Let me be your voice to guide Toquerville's prosperous future.